How to clear the mind

Are you amongst the many couples, who despite all your best efforts to conceive, feel desperately unhappy and angry, as well as hopeless and clueless about what you should do differently to fall pregnant?

confused couple over fertility choices

Initially it is generally your physical body which is investigated for potential reasons affecting your fertility.

It is equally important to consider the health of your mind and spirit and the power they have to negatively affect your thoughts and beliefs

Both your conscious and sub conscious mind need exploring and techniques employed to clear any trauma, mental blocks and self-limiting beliefs, you may be holding on to.


Confronting your feelings is healthy and constructive

The important thing is how these feelings are processed after your initial reaction to a situation. Take the time to explore your sub conscious thoughts and any potentially self-limiting beliefs. You may well realise that these limiting thought patterns are causing hidden obstacles which prevent you achieving what you consciously “think” you want, and so block the path to your desire for parenthood.


Thought of a Natural Fertility Consultant?

Your Natural Fertility Consultant (NFC) can help you on your path to parenthood, by adopting a holistic approach to the preparation of both your mind and body for pregnancy. Your NFC will work with you to identify those sub-conscious and self-limiting beliefs and release them. You will discover ways to change your thought processes, and replace your negative beliefs with positive beliefs. (Book your 30 minute consultation here)


When you harbour negative beliefs over a long period, chronic stress can kick in. Biologically, chronic stress disrupts the functioning of your reproductive hormones, and raises your cortisol levels which negatively impact your chances of conception.  Stress can also interfere with the success of any invasive fertility treatment you may be undertaking, such as IVF.


Your NFC at Awakening Fertility can teach you mind mastery techniques that can help you to shape a positive mind-set

You will feel mentally empowered and be able to deal with any trauma, or repetitive bad news or even let downs, you may experience.

You can learn:


  • Mental empowering strategies to help change your approach to fertility.
  • Techniques to dissolve any past trauma and sub-conscious blockages that are creating blocks to your pregnancy and parenthood success.
  • Facilitated meditation, manifestation and mindfulness techniques that actually work.


Below are a taste of some of the specific techniques you will find essential in achieving a balanced mind and dispelling negative and self-limiting beliefs.


Positive AffirmationsHow to think positive for fertility


When you catch yourself saying something negative to yourself, whether it’s regarding fertility issues or anything else in life, it’s important just to say “STOP!” either out loud or just to yourself.  Turn it around and replace that thought with a positive one!


For example, try replacing statements such as:

“I’m never going to get pregnant” 


“I’m infertile”


“I am fertile” 


“I am taking the steps to create a healthy pregnancy”.

When you do this, you are constructing a positive internal environment which further helps your fertility journey, and banishes your self-limiting beliefs.


It may seem awkward at first, but over time you will become accustomed to making this small, yet important change which can have a huge impact on your emotional and physical self. Try making a list of positive affirmations pertinent to you and put the list on the fridge, inside your wardrobe and bathroom cabinet doors, or any place in the house or car that you access daily.


Energy Field Healing and Balancing


chakras, ef, meridians, torusTrauma, emotional and mental stress, false belief systems and blocks to your personal growth can be stored in the energy fields of your body, impacting your ability to function at your full potential. These blocks obstruct the vital flows of energy through your body and energy systems that are necessary for your health and wellbeing. Over time this can make you ill and you will experience depleted mental and emotional reserves. Energy balancing for fertility is employed by NFCs at Awakening Fertility to help restore these vital flows in your body.


An assessment is done of your aura and chakras to determine where imbalances or blocks are occurring in your energy field. Your NFC will use healing skills to clear and rebalance your energy fields. You will experience relaxation, but more importantly deep healing on a mental, emotional and spiritual level. You may sense the flow of your renewed energies with feelings of warmth, cooling, or tingling.


MindfulnessBusy Mind - Help Me Clear Clutter of My Mind

Mindfulness is coming into the present; being in the here and now moment. It helps you relax into the depth of your inner being. You do this by disconnecting from emotional and energetic chordings that keep your mind pre-occupied with future thoughts or past thoughts.



Meditation and Manifestation


Meditation is a tool for training your mind and body to develop a state of equilibrium, relaxation and spiritual well-being. Meditation allows a state of calmness that can bring you insights into your own awareness. You can use meditation alone or in conjunction with other natural fertility treatments, to empower you when dealing with the stresses of ttc.


You can easily and effectively start your meditation practice with Candle Gazing, as recommended by NFC, Fiona Kaczmarczyk-Boulton of Awakening Fertility.

Candle Gazing Meditation For Fertility

By focusing your mind on an object and your breathing, you are more aware of bodily sensations and feelings and in a gentle, accepting way hear those messages your body is trying to give you. Through the process of focusing on the candle flame, you will experience new meaning, insights, healing, physical release, change and spiritual growth.


The Candle Gazing Meditation

Here is a link to help you experience the Candle Gazing Meditation Technique – it is simple and easy, see here.


There are many ways you can meditate but remember meditation is one-pointed focus (not relaxation).  Relaxation allows your body to rest; meditation allows your body to heal. At Awakening Fertility you can enhance your fertility journey through retreats and courses, as well as one to one consultations on fertility meditation, mindfulness and manifestation.


Fertility QiYoga


Exclusively at Awakening Fertility you can learn QiYoga, which improves your physical Fiona Fertility Yogafitness, stills your mind, heals your body and helps you lay the vital foundation for your fertility success.


“Qi” in “QiYoga” that works the “Qi” of your body, bringing your body’s energy systems back to balance and health.


Unlike regular yoga, QiYoga works by getting both your mind and body fertility fit. Through the movements you will learn to nourish your reproductive system, ease your digestive system and experience the release of “feel good” hormones during the relaxation at the end.


Sessions will help you to learn to breathe, manage stress, lengthen and strengthen your body and you feel balanced hormonally, emotionally, mentally and physically.


You can learn QiYoga for Fertility at Awakening Fertility, through one to one or group courses. You can also sign up for a QiYoga retreat day or practice at home with a QiYoga DVD.


Self-Fertility MassageHappy Abdomen for Healthy Digestive System and Fertility


Self-Fertility Massage helps you heal emotional trauma, supporting you if you have suffered a pregnancy loss, physical pain, reproductive organ fertility issues, pregnancy termination or disconnection to your reproductive system. You will be taught how to connect with your reproductive system once again.

The self-fertility massage offered at Awakening Fertility teaches you to massage yourself through three of the most beneficial abdominal techniques as well as your fertility acupressure points to:


  1. Relieve stress
  2. Boost energy
  3. Facilitate fertility
  4. Improve digestion

Self-fertility massage gives you the time to take part in your healing process. Directly physically connecting to your fertility is very important when working towards healing.


By working with a NFC you can develop a complete programme of mind and body detox techniques, which can enable you to eliminate many types of issues in your past and present, thus allowing you to move forward towards your future goals and desires.



Other Topics Worth Reading:

  1. DHEA and CoQ10 The Treatment Hailed “Everyone Should be Doing For Fertility”– Read more 
  2. Get Your Confidence Back: Regain Confidence for Pregnancy Success – Read more
  3. Fertility Depression Quiz – Am I Depressed Trying to Conceive? – Read here
  4. Detoxifying for Fertility – Read here
  5. Keeping on The Positive Path, Despite Setbacks – Read here
  6. Meditation, Mindfulness and Relaxation for Fertility – Read here


About the author:

Fiona Boulton is a Fertility Specialist
(An expert in her field since 2007) and leader in Fertility Mind Mastery, Fertility Meditation, Fertility Yoga and Fertility Coaching –

helping people take back control of their fertility, faster.

Fiona is the founder of Awakening Fertility – Harley Street (Harley Street Fertility Clinic), London; Concept Fertility Putney; Chichester, West Sussex and Perth, Australia

  • Huffington Post Fertility Writer
  • Fertility Coach
  • Fertility Support Group Co-ordinator for Harley Street Fertility Clinic and Infertility Network UK
  • Nutrition Counsellor
  • Public Speaker
  • Author
  • Blogger
  • QiYoga® Founder
  • Fertility Yoga Teacher Trainer (RYS 200)
  • Fertile Lifestyle Motivator
  • Fertility Support Group Facilitator
  • Fertility Practitioner Training Co-ordinator
Through Fiona’s “transformation guaranteed” Fertile Lifestyle courses, Fiona helps navigate major transitions to detox your mind and body to help you effectively ‘think yourself fertile’; to change the map your mind has of your body and therefore change your physiology by clearing mental and emotional blockages to having your baby. Fiona’s work focuses on you taking back control by changing the internal and external environment of your cells so you can improve chances of fertility success.

Book your fertility consultation from the comfort of your home or come to the Harley Street Fertility Clinic for a transformative session with Awakening Fertility founder Fiona Boulton, here.

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