Poor Sperm Motility
Poor Sperm Motility
Poor Sperm Motility
About Poor Sperm Motility
Poor sperm motility can cause male factor infertility, which is not a diagnosis you want to hear. However, we have good news. We can help you to improve your sperm motility which is the ability of your sperm to move efficiently through your woman’s reproductive tract to reach her egg for successful conception. We tailor make fertile lifestyle strategies so you can apply little lifestyle tweaks that render big results very quickly. Simply follow our epigenetic protocol across our 3-step process we call Dr M. (Think “Doctor M”).
Remember your body is hard-wired to heal, to be vibrant, healthy and virile. No matter what your diagnosis, you can restore health and happiness. With our epigenetic protocol you can easily and enjoyably chose from a smorgasbord of options that suit your personality so you can implement specific lifestyle tweaks and specialised organic supplementation to rapidly improve your low sperm motility issues.
Having sperm motility issues really is not your fault, it is actually a reflection of how your modern day lifestyle including all levels of toxic exposure (physical, mental and emotional) have resulted in your low sperm motility.
Did you know that IVF is not the only answer?
If you prefer to take the IVF route, the best place to start is to improve your sperm health so you can have a healthier baby and reduce chances of your partner miscarrying
There are several natural remedies for you to improve your low sperm motility diagnosis. Please know that having low sperm motility is not your fault, it is actually a reflection of your modern day lifestyle and the levels of toxic exposure experienced by your cells. This includes all levels of toxic exposure (physical, mental and emotional) and how quickly your body can detoxify, regenerate as well as restore hormonal balance and cellular health.
The good news is we can help you regain control and confidence with your body as we help you improve the causes of your low sperm motility issues. Remember your body is hard-wired to heal, to be vibrant, healthy and virile. No matter what your diagnosis, you can restore health and happiness. With our epigenetic protocol you can easily and enjoyably chose from a smorgasbord of options that suit your personality so you can implement specific lifestyle tweaks and specialised organic supplementation to rapidly improve your low sperm motility.
With enjoyable lifestyle and diet changes coupled with supplements (nowadays you do not receive enough nutrients from your food). The missing ingredient to the mix which is just as crucial is the mental and emotional rebalancing too.
Want the good news?
We can help you to increase your semen production and therefore your sperm count with our 3-Step Process explained below.
Consider these lifestyle tweaks for better sperm motility:
- Have a healthy body weight will help wonders. We have specific techniques that can help you with this.
- Choose an exercise you love and work out for 20 – 30 minutes a day (there are specific exercises that will help you more than others)
- Improve sleep hygiene (for better quality sleep)
- Increase your vitamin and mineral intake with plant power medicine (Powerfully Pure products with highest quality ashwaghanda and anti-oxidants, in our Revive. We also recommend you take fenugreek and Vitamin D3 with K2 supplements. (eVitci is discounted within the complete Better Sperm Motility bundle)
- Reducing your alcohol intake, (or if you choose to drink, follow our energy-enriching protocol to overcome the negative impact of drinking
- Refraining from recreational drugs and cigarette smoking
- Reconsidering prescription medications that are creating poor sperm motility as a side-effect
- Keep technology away from your legs. Heat produced from phones, tablets and WiFi are damaging your sperm motility.
- Stay relaxed (this is what we are famous for!)
When it comes to a ‘better sperm health diet’ we are very keen to support you to make the necessary lifestyle tweaks you need to succeed.
We have recipes that help you add the following to your new fertility diet to eat yourself fertile by increasing testosterone:
- Zinc – as a liquid supplement or in the form of:
- Chicken (organic, free-range only)
- Oranges
- Oysters
- Brazil nuts (delivering your daily required selenium quota with just 3 per day)
- Pomegranate juice
- Pumpkin seeds (organic)
- Salmon (wild only, not farmed)
- Sardines (wild only, not farmed)
- Vegetables, namely green, leafy organic ones
- Water (clean water, no tap water unless it is purified and never from a plastic bottle due to xeno-oestrogens
You must look at ways of detoxing the fake oestrongens (xeno-oestrogens) from your body to also help boost testosterone levels.
4 Reasons for Poor Sperm Motility
- Not Enough Energy
This is the number one reason why anyone has fertility issues. We are energy beings and when we don’t replenish our energy reserves our body takes what it needs from the reproductive system. We teach easy energy building techniques. We can help you with this.
- Modern Day Toxins
Exposure to xeno-oestrogens found in plastics, plastic lined tins, till receipts, new carpets, paint, technology (you know, that new smell that it emits? That is messing with your hormones). Exposure to chlorine and hormones in tap water, non-organic food. Chemicals in personal care products. We can help you with this.
- Not Detoxing
You need to remove xeno-oestrogens which causes the body to produce fake oestrogren (not natural for men). Raised oestrogen lowers testosterone. You need to remove the herbicides, fungicides, pesticides, toxic chemicals and heavy metals. We have gentle, easy and effective detox drinks. We can help you with this.
- Not Mastering
Taking back control of your thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs are often the most overlooked aspect for rebalancing male fertility, namely improving sperm count and seminal fluid volumes. We all know the power of the mind, so make yours work for you not against you. Master your mind, your body, your life. We’ll help.
How we can help
Improving your sperm health so you can have better sperm motility and raise your testosterone levels can be an easy and fast process when you chose our specific 3 Step Process called DR M. (Pronounced “Doctor M”).
We use the highest grade, most powerful and pure supplements, superfoods and detox products combined with breath-work, medical martial-arts and other therapeutic movements that can be done on the sofa, chair or free-standing. Our strategies can work around all kinds of health issues, injuries or ailments so we can ensure a specific lifestyle that can get you results and that it is one you will thoroughly enjoy implementing.
Our strategies work very fast. You can begin to see positive improvements within 2 – 3 weeks.
The Awakening Fertility 3-Step Process called “DR M”
When you sign up to your course of 10 private fertility consultations with Fiona Boulton you will have a bespoke lifestyle strategy created for you.
Step 1 – Detoxification: Choose your gentle detox solution to clear the cellular toxic overload that is draining the energy from your reproductive system.
Step 2 – Regeneration: Choose the supplements and superfoods required to balance your hormones and regenerate your healthy blood flow and function.
Step 3 – Mastery of Mind: We give you Fertility Mind Mastery tools and techniques to help you mentally re-set and activate the power of your mind. Change the map that your mind has of your body so you can command total control over your body and life.
Sign up now to Dr M: Detoxify, Regenerate, Master