Increase Male Fertility
Increase Male Fertility
Increase Male Fertility

To date we have a 100% success rate with clients improving sperm health
To date, since 2007, we have helped all our male clients to improve their sperm health. How? Our methodology is enjoyable and easily integrated into everyday life, so it is no wonder we stand strong as one of the leaders in male fertility solutions.
How do we gauge our success?
It’s easy, we gauge your sperm health success based on actual sperm tests conducted by the clinic or doctor of your choice. This proves our statistics are 100% correct and not manipulated in any way.
We have a fail proof lifestyle strategy based on the science of epigenetics that guides our male clients to see big improvements in all areas of their sperm health, energy levels, confidence, masculinity and fertility. We work with your personality type, likes/dislikes and allow you to choose from a variety of solutions.
With this empowered choice of little lifestyle tweaks, you choose strategies that are easy to integrate into your life that actually work for you. Our solutions cover all aspects of health and wellbeing, restoring physical, mental and emotional harmony.
We only offer 100% natural solutions; no medical intervention or hypnotherapy is required.
Our success can be seen with men all over the world who come to us to improve:
If you were living in a more natural environment without the exposure to high levels of toxins, you would not have male fertility issues.
How you are being exposed to male fertility-blocking toxins
Toxic technology – Our technology emits Electro-Magnetic Frequencies (EMF’s) which disrupt your energy field and your body’s ability to maintain a healthy state. Radiation causes cellular deformities so it makes sense to avoid your phone in your pocket or your laptop on your lap because this beams radiation into your genitals or heats your thighs which heats your testicles, in turn this inhibits healthy functioning.
Toxic air – The air we breathe is laden with heavy metals from exhaust fumes and other pollutants as well as nano-particles from chem-trails and radiation from our governments doing nuclear tests.
Toxic polluted food and water – Our water is polluted with toxic farming run-off from fertilisers and animal exposure to antibiotics. Governments then pollute our water with chlorine which is linked to cancer and fertility issues. Did you know that conventional non-organic food has feminising hormones? This is from the herbicides, fungicides and pesticides, so now more than ever you should start to eat cleaner food and drink cleaner water.
Toxic body-care products – Most shampoos, body washes, shaving creams, moisturisers, hair products, laundry liquid, dish-washing liquid, etc, are made of highly poisonous toxic ingredients. Whatever touches your skin gets directly absorbed into your bloodstream and can thicken your blood. This impacts your cardiovascular and reproductive health, and inhibits other systems of the body. This is why it is important to switch to clean living products, such as those in the Powerfully Pure product range.
In addition, fast-paced twenty-first century living can put pressure on you, your happiness and your relationships so it is no wonder you find yourself with male fertility issues.

Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is not your fault. The common physical causes of erectile dysfunction stem from your circulatory system which is easily damaged due to toxic overload, sugar intake, lack of physical exercise and your emotional state.
Remember your body is hard-wired to heal, to be vibrant, healthy and virile. No matter what your diagnosis, you can restore health and happiness. Being diagnosed with atherosclerosis (clogged blood vessels), diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure or high cholesterol explains why there is a lack of blood flowing to your penis. This can change easier than you think with specific lifestyle tweaks that suit your personality and a focus on the underlying causes of your diagnosis.

D Glover, 39
“It was incredibly refreshing to seek the support from Awakening Fertility who were just as keen as I was to overcome my ED ASAP.
‘The 3 Steps to ED Success’ were put together by me based on the choices Fiona Boulton presented me with. The life changes were much easier than I thought and made a real difference.
Now that I think differently, have more energy, more confidence and more sex drive I have also overcome my underlying health concerns and my ED. In fact, I don’t even identify myself as having ED, because I don’t.”

Low Libido
The reasons for low libido in males is due to hormone imbalances, namely your testosterone being too low. There are many reasons for this and our Awakening Fertility Epigenetic Protocol has been designed to shift you out of your low libido state and boost your sex drive naturally without any harmful side-effects.
The best thing is, the changes take place very quickly.
No matter what caused you to suffer from a lowered libido, your body is hard-wired to heal, to be vibrant, healthy and virile. No matter what your diagnosis, you can restore health and happiness. This change can be easier than you think with specific lifestyle tweaks – chosen by you – that suit your personality and focus on the underlying cause of you low sex drive.
Low Sperm
We can help you to increase the average number of sperm you ejaculate. Your low sperm count is a reflection of your testosterone levels – which also influences sperm quality. We provide 100% natural remedies and little lifestyle tweaks (chosen by you, that you enjoy implementing based on your personality and the life you want to live) to ensure you see results – fast.
Remember your body is hard-wired to heal, to be vibrant, healthy and virile. No matter what has caused your low sperm count, it is possible for you to be able to restore health and happiness and improve sperm count. This is because of our world-famous epigenetic protocol.
Low Sperm Motility
Having sperm motility issues is not your fault, it is a reflection of how your modern day lifestyle including all levels of toxic exposure (physical, mental and emotional) have resulted in your low sperm motility.
Remember your body is hard-wired to heal, to be vibrant, healthy and virile. No matter what your diagnosis, you can restore health and happiness. With our epigenetic protocol you can easily and enjoyably chose from a variety of options that suit your personality so you can implement specific lifestyle tweaks and specialised organic supplementation to rapidly improve your low sperm motility issues.
Low Sperm Morphology
There are several natural remedies for you to improve your low sperm morphology diagnosis. Having low sperm morphology is not your fault, it is a reflection of your modern day lifestyle and the levels of toxic exposure experienced by your cells. This includes all levels of toxic exposure (physical, mental and emotional) and how quickly your body can detoxify, regenerate and restore hormonal balance and cellular health.
The good news is we can help you regain control and confidence with your body as we help you improve the causes of your low sperm morphology issues. Your body is hard-wired to heal, to be vibrant, healthy and virile. No matter what your diagnosis, you can restore health and happiness. With our epigenetic protocol you can easily and enjoyably chose from a variety of options that suit your personality so you can implement specific lifestyle tweaks and specialised organic supplementation to rapidly improve your low sperm morphology.

A Bryant, 52
“My wife told me about Awakening Fertility’s Epigenetic Protocol which seemed to look at every component of my life that influenced my cellular health. I never realised my sperm health was a direct reflection of my overall health and it was because everything was laid out in such a clear way with a supportive approach that I was able to transition from lifestyle choices a lot easier than I would have otherwise.
I soon saw the value of increasing my energy levels with potent fast-actioning exercises and supplements and within 3 months my sperm test results went from embarrassing (and emasculating to be honest with you) to what was jokingly referred to as SUPER SPERM which is the result I much preferred.
After my sperm test results improved, we conceived the second month of trying and now we have our son. I have to say we could not have done it without the support of Fiona and her protocol.”

Enjoy the FREE Awakening Fertility App (Free for a limited time)
Get the “Awakening Fertility App” via: or type “Awakening Fertility” into Google Play for androids.
If you want to access the app via the computer, once you have set up an account via the app on your phone, you can use this link:
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