Evening Primrose Oil For Fertility

evening primrose oil Awakening Fertility

Why is My Vagina Dry?

“The vagina depends on oestrogen for health,” states Irwin Goldstein, MD. He is the director of Sexual Medicine at Alvarado Hospital and San Diego Sexual Medicine in the US.


A Dry Vagina and What it Means


Having a dry vagina can make sex painful – which is never ideal when trying for a baby. The good news is, it can be easily remedied.


The first step in treating vaginal dryness is navigating the source of the discomfort, because there are various conditions that can lead to a lack of vaginal lubrication, ranging from hormonal reasons, medications and stress.


Refer to the list of explanations below to see what your possible cause to vaginal dryness is (and I am sure that supplementing for two weeks a month will make all the difference).



Vaginal Dryness Caused by Hormone Imbalances


Hormonal imbalances is one of the most common causes of vaginal dryness.


As we get older it is natural for our oestrogen levels to lower. This is especially the case for peri-menopausal and menopausal women, as well as post childbirth and all throughout breastfeeding.


Did you know that the second largest cause of vaginal dryness is from radiation?


This is true, radiation to the pelvis is the second largest cause of vaginal dryness. This is cause by phones, laptops, radiation therapy (for cancer) as well as chemotherapy.



Vaginal Dryness Caused by Medications


Did you know that allergy medicines (anti-histamines), asthma medications as well as cold and flu medications are linked to causing a drying effect inside the body? Additionally this causes a reduction in vaginal lubrication, also according to Dr. Goldstein.



Vaginal Dryness Caused by Low Libido or Lack of Arousal


In some cases, vaginal dryness may be caused by a low libido or sexual problems with a partner. “If a partner has poor performance and early ejaculation, it can contribute to vaginal dryness,” Goldstein says.



Vaginal Dryness Caused by Bathroom Bodycare Products


The chemicals in soaps, detergents, hygiene products, dyes, fragrances, hair products as well as perfumes are well documented to cause serious health problems.

Many ‘everyday’ bathroom bodycare products are hormone disruptors and known to cause fertility issues. (Read more about this topic, here).



Vaginal Dryness Caused by Anxiety


Psychological and emotional factors like stress and anxiety can also interfere with sexual desire and lead to vaginal dryness when normal vaginal lubrication does not occur. “When a woman is anxious, there is insufficient blood flow,” Goldstein says, “so she will have dryness.” 

In Addition to finding stress management techniques, better ways to unwind, relax and increase your libido, I recommend my clients take Evening Primrose Oil (EPO).


Benefits for Taking Evening Primrose Oil

This is a special plant influenced by the moon that has an affinity to women’s fertility.

Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) has been used for hundreds of years because it is renowned not only for its fertility benefits but as a “cure all”. EPO’s reputation is namely due to its high content of the omega-6 essential fatty acids, Linoleic Acid and Gamma Linolenic Acid which is cold pressed from the seeds of the plant – which, by the way got it’s name because it looks similar to English Primrose and is no relation to the primrose flower at all.

Many Studies Have Shown that EPO Can Help with:

  • General wellbeing (easing various burdens such as acne through to rheumatoid arthritis).
  • Reducing PMS symptoms (including bloating, breast tenderness, depression, fluid retention, foggy headedness, headaches, irritability and mood swings prior to their menstrual cycle).
  • Increasing cervical mucus (while reducing inflammation) – which is necessary for carrying and sustaining the sperm through to the cervix.
  • Improving cellular growth and regulating hormones via Linoleic Acid.
  • Toning the uterine muscles which prepares the body for pregnancy.

How Evening Primrose Oil Could Help Your Fertility


EPO can improve the quality of cervical mucus – or, in other words it can make the cervical mucus more fertile. When you ovulate the body creates extra cervical mucus to help sustain the life of the sperm and this cervical mucus helps the sperm travel more freely and easily to the cervix. This “egg white” cervical mucus (as it is often referred to because of its elasticity and similar texture to “egg whites”) is also a good marker to indicate when you are ovulating.


PreSeed Lubricant

PreSeed is the name of a lubricant that also has the same function as the cervical mucus and it may be something you want to start using.


Foria Coconut & CBD Lubricant

Foria is a natural lubricant you may want to try too.

Cautions for Taking Evening Primrose Oil


EPO is NOT suggested for use after ovulation when a woman is trying to conceive. If you are pregnant, or think you may be pregnant, stop taking EPO because the uterus may begin to contract which may lead to pre-term labour or miscarriage. Midwives use EPO to ‘ripen’ the cervix to help induce labour in the third trimester.

Suggested Dosage of Evening Primrose Oil


General usage is 500mg – 1000 mg one to two times a day (beginning at the lowest suggested dosage).


Which Brand of Evening Primrose Oil is Recommended


A brand that has pure ingredients, meaning no fillers or binder or nasties in the evening primrose oil capsules. Here’s a list of ingredients to avoid. Please refer to this list before you purchase the evening primrose oil capsules of choice (to ensure you get the quality and results you seek) – https://awakeningfertility.com/2020/06/how-to-read-food-labels-and-know-what-to-avoid-in-food-and-fertility-supplements/


If you have any questions, leave them in the comment box below for more assistance.



While Actively Trying to Conceive


General usage is 1500 – 3000 mg one to two times daily, from day 1 – 14 in the cycle. Evening Primrose Oil may cause uterine contractions in pregnancy which is why it may be best to not continue it past ovulation (in case of pregnancy) while actively trying to conceive. Post ovulation it may be best to switch to cod liver oil or another omega-3 oil.


Not Actively Trying to Conceive


For those who desire to take EPO to help reduce PMS, for menstrual cramps or general hormone balance support and are NOT actively trying to conceive, EPO may be taken all month long.



Recommended Reading:


I highly recommend reading the comprehensive list of toxic chemicals to avoid in your bathroom and personal care products, here: – https://awakeningfertility.com/2015/08/toxic-chemicals-to-avoid-in-bathroom-personal-care-products/

I also recommend an easy video with a concise list of what to avoid on your food and supplement labels, here: – https://awakeningfertility.com/2020/06/how-to-read-food-labels-and-know-what-to-avoid-in-food-and-fertility-supplements/


  • Botanical Medicine for Women’s Health; Aviva Romm. Churchill Livingstone, 2010
  • http://www.babyhopes.com/articles/epo.html
    Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year; Susun S. Weed. Ash Tree Publishing, 1986
  • Women’s Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine; Tori Hudson, ND. McGraw Hill Publishing, 2008
About the author, Fiona Boulton:

Fiona Boulton is a Fertility expert (since 2007). She’s known to be a world-wide Fertility Activator and Fertility Healer as well as founder of Awakening Fertility and Powerfully Pure supplements and superfoods.

Fiona helps people take back control of their fertility, faster.

Fiona is accessible for online sessions, here

  • Huffington Post Fertility Writer
  • Fertility Coach
  • Fertility Support Group Co-ordinator for Harley Street Fertility Clinic and Infertility Network UK
  • Nutrition Counsellor
  • Public Speaker
  • Author
  • Blogger
  • QiYoga® Founder
  • Fertility Yoga Teacher Trainer (RYS 200)
  • Fertile Lifestyle Motivator
  • Fertility Support Group Facilitator, London
  • Fertility Practitioner Training Co-ordinator
Through Fiona’s “transformation guaranteed” Fertile Lifestyle Course Fiona helps navigate major transitions to detox your mind and body to help you effectively ‘think yourself fertile’; to change the map your mind has of your body and therefore change your physiology by clearing mental and emotional blockages to having your baby. Fiona’s work focuses on you taking back control by changing the internal and external environment of your cells so you can improve chances of fertility success.

Book your fertility consultation from the comfort of your home or come to the Harley Street Fertility Clinic for a transformative session with Awakening Fertility founder Fiona Boulton, here.

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