Ozone Therapy For Male Fertility

Ozone therapy is extremely beneficial for male sperm count, morphology, and motility. This is a ‘must have’ for all couples trying to conceive because the healthier the sperm the easier it is to get pregnant and to have a healthy baby.

Ozone therapy is so powerful it has even been known to kill cancer cells.

Extra Studies Have Shown Ozone Therapy Improves:

  • Poor sperm count
  • Poor sperm quality
  • Cellular repair
  • Skin rejuvenation

Now You Can Improve Chances of Natural Pregnancy and IVF Success

Ozone Therapy Is Accessible in Chichester Clinic and Retreats

Awakening Fertility is pleased to announce we are providing clients with Ozone Therapy for Improving Male Sperm.

You can book a private consultation via our Chichester branch or experience Ozone Sauna Therapy at one of our regular Fertility Retreats in Chichester, England.

We run bespoke weekend fertility retreats. Choose from:


Benefits of Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy is believed to be ideal for anyone trying to conceive because offers an extensive range of fertility boosting benefits.

Discounted Introductory Ozone Therapy Rates

  • For non-clients (if you are not doing the online fertile lifestyle course)
    – Treatments are only £70.00
  • For Awakening Fertility clients
    – Treatments are only £60.00
  • Multi-pass (4 treatments, 12 month expiry and fully transferable to others)
  • As a treatment during the Fertility Retreats
    – No additional cost

Ozone Treatments Available Monday – Sunday

Women, want Daily Free Support When Trying to Conceive?

If you want to learn how you can experience an emotional shift to help you have a baby I offer free support via the content in my private “Fertility Help” Facebook group.


Ready to Feel Happy Trying to Conceive?

Know You’re on the Right Path to Fertility Success

If you want to begin to feel happy on your fertility journey whilst trying to conceive and if you want to know you are on the right path to have your baby then I can help. Book a private consultation with me, Fiona today.

More About Fiona:

Fiona Boulton is a world-renowned Fertility Healer and Fertility Activator. Fiona has been recognised as a fertility expert since 2007 helping women and couples to restore their fertility by helping to improve the cellular environment with her epigenetic protocol.

Improving the mind, follicle health, egg health, womb health, chromosomal health as well as male sperm health

Fiona specialises in combining science and spirituality through:

  • Her “Revolutionary” Fertile Lifestyle Course (following a specific epigenetic protocol)
  • Personalised Fertility Activation Techniques
  • Fertility Mind Mastery
  • Fertility Meditation
  • Fertility Yoga
  • Fertility Qi Gong and;
  • Fertility Coaching

Helping you take back control of your fertility, faster.

Through Fiona’s “transformation guaranteed” Fertile Lifestyle courses, Fiona helps navigate major transitions to detox your mind and body to help you effectively ‘think yourself fertile’; to change the map your mind has of your body and therefore change your physiology by clearing mental and emotional blockages to having your baby. Fiona’s work focuses on you taking back control by changing the internal and external environment of your cells so you can improve chances of fertility success.


Fiona, founder of Awakening Fertility is based:


Online and available to speak to you from anywhere in the world


Harley Street (Harley Street Fertility Clinic)

Samsara Mind & Body SW18


United Kingdom, Chichester


Western Australia, Perth

Book your fertility consultation from the comfort of your home or experience face-to-face (in person) transformative sessions with Awakening Fertility founder Fiona Boulton, here.

If you would like to apply for a complimentary online consultation, click here.

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