Fertile Lifestyle Online Course
- Are you ready to be a fertility success story?
- Are you ready to enjoyably get pregnant?
- Are you ready to optimize your chances of holding your pregnancy through to full term?
- Are you ready to follow an easy step by step formula that helps 80% of women in their 40’s have their happy healthy baby?
The Fertile Lifestyle Difference
“The Fertile Lifestyle is more than just a fertility program, it’s a lifestyle strategy thats enjoyable to follow and helps you integrate joy and confidence across all areas of your life.”
– Helen Davidson, 42
What the Fertile Lifestyle Course offers –
3 months of daily support
I’ll be personally helping you to live a successful fertile lifestyle step by step, day by day in the form of:
- Videos
- pdf modules and fun sheets to guide you through staying on track with living a fertile lifestyle
- Mp3 meditations
- Email support direct from Fiona
- Includes a 2 hour Skype session or 90 minute face-to-face session with Fiona when you have reached the mid-way section of the course
- Opportunities to mix and mingle with other women doing the online course via an online platform and actual live event
Easy to use platform
- You can navigate the content based on how you are feeling that day.
- Each module is “ticked off” so you can work through at your own pace and you can see how you are progressing.
Course content’s ‘one-stop-shop’ for your fertility
That’s right! You will have access to all your questions being answered and getting genuine support, because all successful people have a wonderful support team around them and the same applies to you.
You will be –
- Given tips and techniques to optimise fertility (be it naturally or via assisted fertility).
- Empowering yourself by learning that you can change your physiology by changing your thoughts and clearing mental and emotional blockages that could be hindering your fertility success.
- Listening to inspirational talks to motivate and inspire you on your fertility journey, keeping you feeling upbeat
- Enjoying each step of your journey, feeling that your path to fertility success is easier and more enjoyable than you could have ever imagined
- Enjoying exercise routines to boost fertility fitness via Fertility Yoga, Chakra Yoga, Digestive Health Yoga and Qigong for fertility (including moving meditation routines)
- Enjoying meditations that work for you – with 90 meditations on demand you are guaranteed to find styles that work for you, even if meditation has not worked in the past
- Enjoying a fertility foods that gets you results – including help with over eating, binge eating or under-eating issues
- Able to master stress management tips and techniques that help you feel back in control of your life and feeling true happiness once again
- Understanding the role of epigenetics: how your internal and external environment turns genes on and off.
- Understanding the value of avoiding toxicity (physically, mentally and emotionally)
- Receiving specialised fertility support:
- Ideal if you suffer from clots
- Ideal if you suffer from endometriosis
- Ideal if you suffer from fibroids
- Ideal if you suffer from ovarian cysts
- Ideal if you suffer from PCOS
- Ideal if you are not ovulating or having regular periods
- Ideal if you are undergoing IVF
- Ideal if you are undergoing ICSI
- Ideal if you are undergoing IUI
- Ideal if you are undergoing Clomid
About me (the creator of this fertile lifestyle course) and how this course came about
I have been facilitating fertility to clients for around a decade and in that time have helped hundreds of women world-wide to achieve their dream of being a mother. (I also help men become fathers, but primarily focus my work with either women or couples).
I started as a successful yoga teacher, after having my own style of yoga called QiYoga accredited world-wide by Yoga Alliance. QiYoga is incredibly therapeutic and therefore ideal for fertility because it completely rebalances and harmonises your body, mind and spirit in a fun way!
My program has become so successful I can now no longer keep up with the demand so since mid 2015 I have been working on creating an online fertility support course where I can be with my clients day-by-day offering step-by-step support through the mediums that best suit people’s choice of learning: video, mp3 audio, written text via pdf that can be read on screen or printed off.
What I love about the course is that it is designed to go at your pace!
There is 90 days worth of support but if you are in a hurry you can race through the content and get faster fertility support. If you need to take longer, you can do that too.
I feel so confident that this course will work. I have a 80% success rate for women who have been told the odds are against them. Other fertility clinics have a 25% success rate for women/couples under the age of 38.
My Awakening Fertility success rates are based on the average age of my clients being 43.
As an added bonus, each person who signs up get’s one-to-one time with me to give you that bespoke edge to ensure you are on the most fruitful track possible to yield results.
It’s worked for thousands of others, why can’t it work for you too?
Proof that this online course works – read more, CLICK HERE
Ready to sign up now?
Ready to read more about it?
Want to book a complimentary consultation with Fiona Boulton (Awakening Fertility founder) to see if the course is suitable to get you baby ready?
About Fiona Boulton:
Fiona Boulton is a world-famous Fertility Activator and Fertility Healer. (An expert in her field since 2007) and leader in Fertility Mind Mastery, Fertility Meditation, Fertility Yoga and Fertility Coaching –
Helping people take back control of their fertility, faster.
Fiona is the founder of Awakening Fertility – Harley Street (Harley Street Fertility Clinic), London; Concept Fertility Putney; Chichester, West Sussex and Perth, Australia
- Huffington Post Fertility Writer
- Fertility Coach
- Fertility Support Group Co-ordinator for Harley Street Fertility Clinic and Infertility Network UK
- Nutrition Counsellor
- Public Speaker
- Author
- Blogger
- QiYoga® Founder
- Fertility Yoga Teacher Trainer (RYS 200)
- Fertile Lifestyle Motivator
- Fertility Support Group Facilitator
- Fertility Practitioner Training Co-ordinator
Through Fiona’s “transformation guaranteed” Fertile Lifestyle courses, Fiona helps navigate major transitions to detox your mind and body to help you effectively ‘think yourself fertile’; to change the map your mind has of your body and therefore change your physiology by clearing mental and emotional blockages to having your baby. Fiona’s work focuses on you taking back control by changing the internal and external environment of your cells so you can improve chances of fertility success.
Book your fertility consultation from the comfort of your home or come to the Harley Street Fertility Clinic for a transformative session with Awakening Fertility founder Fiona Boulton, here.
OMG! I have just read this!!
I am so excited. To be honest, I could not afford your program of 1-to-1 sessions, but now I can!!
Thank you so much for creating this.
Signing up now, let me know if you receive my email :D
**V happy!!!**
Great Marcia ;)
Welcome onboard!
Fiona x
Love the sound of this!
Signing up tomorrow – goodnight from me x
I won’t be needing this. I have now reached the ‘safe zone’ and am officially 3 months pregnant, phew!
All thanks to you Fiona, we made it.
All the best with the success of this course, all I can say is IT ACTUALLY WORKS! I wish more people knew about you, then they wouldn’t have to suffer on their fertility journey.
Never give up hope everyone! It can happen. I was trying for 6 years before I met Fiona and now look!
Congratulations Izzie! I’m so, so, so happy for you! xx
Sign me up!
I’ve heard so much about this online support course for #FERTILITY!!
I have sent you an email via the envelope icon below ;)
How do I join the **WAITING LIST**?
Thank you
Hi Ursula
Just send me an email by clicking on the envelope or fiona[at]awakeningfertility.com and register your interest.
Welcome aboard – expect a fun and fulfilling life change!!
I love all your retreats! I have not been to one of your residentials and I can’t wait. Sadly I cant make this one (either weekend). Hope you run more after September!!
Thanks Jewels!
Keep up to date with upcoming events via my newsletters :)
For others reading these comments, the newsletter link is – https://awakeningfertility.com/newsletter/
Oh my god!
Im super excited about this!
I have wanted to do your FERTILE LIFESTYLE PROGRAMMES but have not been able to afford the Silver or Gold, but now I can!!
Thank you for creating this for us :)
Hi Penelope
As mentioned earlier, Im excited to have you on board Penelope. You have seen how my Fertile Lifestyle support strategies have helped your friend and sister-in-law… Now it’s your turn :)?
Namaste, Fiona
I’m so excited! I have just joined the waiting list. (Sent through my £500 first instalment today!!)
Me too!!
I have seen you work wonders with my sister & now it’s my turn, yay!
I love the referral offering! I love the fact you get £200 per person you refer onto the course :D
Yes, that is REALLY generous Fiona, especially as most people (like me) want their friends who are also struggling to conceive (#TTC) to do it with them. Thanks for all your kindness + support
Anne Marie