Castor Oil, made from the humble castor bean and is one of the most beneficial oils on earth – despite not many people knowing about it!

Before I list the top 25 castor oil benefits that cater as a natural remedy for regeneration and pain relief through to being a powerful internal and external cleanser/detoxifier, it is important to emphasise the fact that: 


Natural ingredients truly are superior



As proven by science and  stated by David Suzuki, researchers have reported that one in eight of the 82,000 ingredients used in personal care products are “industrial chemicals, including carcinogens, pesticides, reproductive toxins and hormone disrupters. These products also include plasticizers, greasers and surfactants.”

The synthetic based products that flood the market are harmful to your personal health, negatively impacting your hormones and they also destroy the earth.


I urge you to use earth friendly, fertility friendly products – always


This is why I created the Powerfully Pure range of natural, organic, toxic-free body care products, supplements and superfoods which deliver you mother nature’s plant power medicine for instant benefits.

Castor Oil is extremely rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. This means that it not only moisturises, nourishes, hydrates and replenishes, but in terms of your skin and your internal organs, it can offer anti-aging properties too. 

Top 25 Castor Oil Benefits

    1. Powerfully Pure Organic Castor Oil reduces the level of toxins in the stomach, this improves your digestion and reduces common abdominal problems like:
      • irritable bowels (natural remedy for IBS)
      • cramps (natural remedy for abdominal cramps including stomach cramps and period cramps)
      • gas/trapped wind (natural remedy for uncomfortable gas or trapped wind)
      • nausea (natural remedy for nausea)
      • vomiting (natural remedy for vomiting)

        This reduces depression and fatigue in the end

    2. Powerfully Pure Organic Castor Oil can clear constipation
    3. Powerfully Pure Organic Castor Oil can boost your body’s immunity.
      • Please note that this reduces the negative effects of auto-immune diseases and boosts the positive effects of a healthy immune system that keeps pathogens and viruses at bay.
    4. Powerfully Pure Organic Castor Oil can act as an impressive anti-inflammatory due to Castor oil containing Ricinoleic Acid, which can reduce your inflammation and relieve your pain. This is why it is used to help with diseases like:
      • rheumatoid arthritis
      • psoriasis/eczema
    5. Powerfully Pure Organic Castor Oil can reduce your blackheads/acne
    6. Powerfully Pure Organic Castor Oil is a fantastic cleanser for your face and body
    7. Powerfully Pure Organic Castor Oil can re-grow thinning hair
    8. Powerfully Pure Organic Castor Oil can balance your scalp pH
      • Acts as a natural, toxic-free anti-dandruff

    9. Powerfully Pure Organic Castor Oil can repair your split ends fast and reduce hair breakage
    10. Powerfully Pure Organic Castor Oil can thicken your eyebrows and your eyelashes and your man’s beard!
    11. Powerfully Pure Organic Castor Oil can help to delay the signs of ageing
    12. Powerfully Pure Organic Castor Oil can help to grow healthy tissue to remove scars internally and externally (long term).
      • For faster results to dissolve scar tissue like fibroids, etc. combine with Powerfully Pure MSM (100% natural, organic, food-grade sulphur)
    13. Powerfully Pure Organic Castor Oil can reduce joint pain/arthritis
    14. Powerfully Pure Organic Castor Oil can reduce your wrinkles
    15. Powerfully Pure Organic Castor Oil can nourish your dry skin
    16. Powerfully Pure Organic Castor Oil can treat your brittle and cracked nails
    17. Powerfully Pure Organic Castor Oil can soften calluses
    18. Powerfully Pure Organic Castor Oil can help to prevent stretch marks

      Castor Oil is one of the best oils to use when pregnant!

    19. Powerfully Pure Organic Castor Oil can soothe sunburn
    20. Powerfully Pure Organic Castor Oil can heal your chapped lips
    21. Powerfully Pure Organic Castor Oil can soothe your bug bites and stings
    22. Powerfully Pure Organic Castor Oil can target fungal skin conditions (when swallowed and applied topically)
    23. Powerfully Pure Organic Castor Oil can be used as a fertility booster by regulating ovulation naturally and regulating menstrual cycles naturally
    24. Powerfully Pure Organic Castor Oil can be used to improve egg health (follicle health / ovarian health)
    25. Powerfully Pure Organic Castor Oil can be used to improve sperm heath

Improving egg health (follicle health / ovarian health) naturally

This is a fast and easy solution to many fertility issues and the best thing is it is so easy to do!

Here’s a video explaining what to do and how it works for women:


Get your organic Powerfully Pure Castor Oil Kit here…

Improving sperm health naturally

This is a fast and easy solution to improving male sperm: speed, form and volume

Here’s a video explaining what to do and how it works for men:


Get your organic Powerfully Pure Castor Oil tub here…

Best ways to use Castor Oil for stomach cleansing

digestive health link to fertilityThere are several ways to use castor oil for cleansing your stomach:

  • Castor Oil with ginger
  • Castor Oil Pack (apply topically with Castor Oil Kit)
  • Castor Oil with water


Taking Castor Oil safely

The following are the safe amounts of castor oil for consumption depending on people’s ages.

  • One oral dose is between 15-60ml, do not exceed.
  • Less than two years 1-5ml once daily, do not exceed.
  • Aged between 2-12 years old 5-15ml once daily, do not exceed.
  • Aged 12 – 16 years , 15-60ml once daily, do not exceed.


Castor Oil with ginger


3x capsules of Powerfully Pure Thai Black Ginger, pull the capsules apart and pour the powder into one cup of hot water

2x teaspoons of Powerfully Pure Organic edible Castor Oil (100% food grade)

Stir the ginger powder and the castor oil then drink it while it is warm, not cold.

Get your Thai Black Ginger capsules here:


Get your organic Powerfully Pure Castor Oil tub here…


Castor Oil Pack (The Ultimate Cleanse Kit)

Did you know that applying Organic Castor Oil topically is one of the oldest ways of healing?

Using Powerfully Pure Castor Oil for externally to cleanse your stomach and intestines and balance your reproductive system is easy and enjoyable.

Simply massage the warm or room temperature castor oil over your abdomen with an extra dollop in your navel.

Or, for better effects, use the Powerfully Pure 100% organic Castor Oil Kit as per this image and the video above.

This method will help your body to get rid of bloating and gas caused by the type of foods you are eating every day.


 Castor Oil in warm water

Adding organic castor oil to warm water for cleansing your stomach is an ancient Ayurvedic remedy. There are numerous benefits including: relieving gas and bloating, reducing acidity and the many others mentioned above.

STEP 1: Have an empty stomach before starting this cleansing, best done first thing in the morning

STEP 2: Add 1 tablespoon of Powerfully Pure organic Castor Oil to a cup of hot water and drink it once a week, some sources indicate that you need to drink twice a week but once is sufficient.


I’d love to hear your feedback regarding your experiences with castor oil. Feel free to share and inspire or ask any questions in the comment box below.

If you’d like to join me for live Fertility Q&A’s that I offer to the public 5 times a month, simply subscribe to my newsletter to receive the access code.


About the author:

Fiona Boulton is a Fertility Specialist
(An expert in her field since 2007) and is world-famous for being a fertility activator and fertility healer.

Fiona is the founder of Awakening Fertility – Harley Street (London’s most prestigious medical precinct) at The Harley Street Fertility Clinic and offers an online practice for all her clients around the world.

Fiona is also recognised as a:

  • Huffington Post Fertility Writer
  • Fertility Coach
  • Fertility Support Group Co-ordinator for Harley Street Fertility Clinic and Infertility Network UK
  • Nutrition Counsellor
  • Public Speaker
  • Author
  • Blogger
  • QiYoga® Founder
  • Fertility Yoga Teacher Trainer (RYS 200)
  • Fertile Lifestyle Motivator
  • Fertility Support Group Facilitator
  • Fertility Practitioner Training Co-ordinator
Through Fiona’s “transformation guaranteed” Fertile Lifestyle courses, Fiona helps navigate major transitions to detox your mind and body to help you effectively ‘think yourself fertile’; to change the map your mind has of your body and therefore change your physiology by clearing mental and emotional blockages to having your baby. Fiona’s work focuses on you taking back control by changing the internal and external environment of your cells so you can improve chances of fertility success.

Book your fertility consultation from the comfort of your home or come to the Harley Street Fertility Clinic for a transformative session with Awakening Fertility founder Fiona Boulton, here.

Leave your questions and comments in the box below!