The Awakening Fertility 30 Day Detox Challenge: Welcome
Start 2021 off the best way you can: with Awakening Fertility’s 30 Day Fertility Reset!
The idea of doing a detox can feel exciting as you look forward to the ‘new and improved’ version of you to be created when you clear out the ‘gunk’ that no longer supports your goals in life.
Choosing to commit to a detox can also feel scary and overwhelming at the same time. This is because you envisage the change you need to implement in order to achieve the results you desire, which is different to your current lifestyle of choice.
For this reason, we incentivise our clients to make very small, easy tweaks that offer huge results.
Detoxes are only successful if you complete them and do them properly.
Therefore, start small, take baby steps so it is enjoyable and the more you feel good, the easier it will be to stick to your 30 day lifestyle tweak.
At Awakening Fertility we know that for you to get the best results you need to embrace the ability to detox physically, mentally and emotionally so our 30 day fertility detox challenge will equip you to do this.
Get ready to enjoy a wonderful journey of shedding the aspects of you that are holding you back from achieving daily joy as well as priming your creation of your happy, healthy baby.

This is the best place to start, at the basic level. Once you commit to this level, if you decide to take on more elements of your detox, you can.
It would be detrimental to over-commit to your detox and then not complete it.
Set yourself up to over-achieve and enjoy the feeling of success. It is important you associate feelings of success whilst trying to have your happy, healthy baby. As a result it will help recondition your mind that this is the year you are a fertility success story.
You can achieve fertility success easier and more enjoyably than you realise and this detox is helping you to lay the foundation you need.
This is the most popular detox option. It is easy to do, you notice incredible results (physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically), plus you can do it whilst being committed to a very busy lifestyle.
Yes! This is suitable and do-able for women with full time jobs. The detox options will not inhibit your ability to focus or give you headaches. It can be easily integrated into your daily routine and perhaps you will maintain this as a lifestyle choice beyond your initial 30 day fertility detox challenge.
We hope you do!

This hard-core detox level will not seem hard-core to you if you have done regular detoxes in the past. Fertility detoxes are more gentle than non-fertility detoxes so for serial-detoxes this may be your new fertile lifestyle of choice!
This level will be easier for you if you have already cut out the following from your diet:
- Non-organic foods (80% or more)
- Processed food
- Sodas
- Sugar
- Gluten
- Dairy
- Non-organic meat
- Non-organic and non-free range eggs
Detox supplements – massively discounted bundles:
- Most Effective Detox Bundle [ON SALE! Save 32%] – here
- Basic Detox Bundle [ON SALE! Save 22%] – here
- Classic Detox Bundle [ON SALE! Save 12%] – here
- Constipation Bundle [ON SALE! Save 11%] – here
Single Morning Detox Products:
Probiotic & Probiotic to support gut health and absorption:
- Fulvic Minerals – here
Evening Detox:
- Foot Salt Soak – here

Thanks for this Detox Guide. I am feeling excited about the end result but worry it will be a bit of a struggle. Fiona, you have assured me it will be enjoyable so I’M ALL IN!!
Oooooooo! I am so excited about this!
Just starting this Awakening Fertility 30 day detox!!
Thanks for this free support 🤩 🙏
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