Fertile Lifestyle Course FAQ’s


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You certainly can. We offer two payment options, either pay in full (receive a 20% discount), or you can pay in three instalments (1 month apart).
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The Fertile Lifestyle Course has been created to be a completely self-directed course.
As with all online courses, people that see the fastest results are those that take consistent, daily action and importantly, stay accountable.
We want you to succeed – that’s why we also include access to our private, members only Facebook group that helps keep you accountable, inspired and connected to a community of like-minded Fertile Friends.
We also offer 1-on-1 support packages. If you’re someone who is under a time pressure and want the fastest possible results – then these are ideal for you!
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During the course you can choose from free facebook support, private group Patreon support (available weekly for Northern and Southern hemisphere time zones), private 1-to-1 consultations, meditations or healings directly with Fiona Boulton at 100% affordable prices.

You also have access to ebooks and seminars.

When your 90-day access to the course is up, you can extend access and easily cancel when you are pregnant.

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We recommend specific supplements for faster results, but it is up to you, you are not forced to do anything you do not want to do.

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Yes, this is our most popular protocol. Most clients are 43 – 47 when they come to us.

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Yes we do, and they are successful. IVF success rates are less than 1% and ours are over 33%.

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Yes we do, from 18 years old and over. We only help teens to balance hormones, not to have babies.

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When you purchase the online Fertile Lifestyle Course, you receive 90-days access to the full course, unless specifically advertised otherwise.

You can easily continue access beyond the 90-days with the Miracle Membership, which also gives you access to additional content.
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This course is based on a proven step-by-step epigenetic protocol that is tailor made to your personality so that you can integrate an enjoyable set of lifestyle tweaks (not big changes) that specifically target your fertility issues.

The methods are rooted in science and spirituality (not religious) to activate your inner wisdom and intuitive guidance system so you can understand the messages of your body and your mind (conscious and subconscious).

You will learn how to master your mind, your body and your life so you start manifesting your desires and stop manifesting your fears.

You will learn new exercises stemming from medical martial arts and therapeutic yoga.

Even people that don’t like exercise love these movements.

You will nourish your digestive system, nervous system and your reproductive system for a lasting, positive improvement to your health and wellbeing.

We have a ground-breaking approach to ways you can think yourself fertile; eat yourself fertile and move yourself fertile – no matter how diverse your therapy, your fertility diet or your yoga/fertility fit exercise routines are.

This course achieves big things via small simultaneous lifestyle tweaks that you are guaranteed to enjoy.

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Yes there is! Via our two facebook groups (100% private so your friends and family won’t see you are trying for a baby).

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You can reach out to us via the private facebook groups or if it is a technical issue you can contact our tech department.

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We help many women embarking upon IUI or IVF.

We also help single women to call-in their ideal man.

Please refer to our testimonials, including video testimonials on YouTube.

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You sure can, because we are that comfortable it works.

To date, no one has had their money back, instead they have had their babies.

If you have done the course and your fertility markers have not improved by the time you finish this course, you will receive your money back.

We believe so strongly that this course works because for 15 years we have seen thousands of successful clients use our Fertile Lifestyle Course to turn all odds around to have their happy, healthy babies.

Category: FAQ

Our Online Fertile Lifestyle Course has one of the highest success rates worldwide for helping women and couples give birth to happy, healthy babies.

This course is world famous for helping turn people’s luck around so that 80% of all our clients can have the children they have been dreaming about.

The course is divided in two: offering step-by-step success strategies for assisted fertility (IVF, ICSI and IUI) or; step-by-step success strategies for for natural pregnancy.

We tailor make a bespoke fertile lifestyle plan (based on your personality type and where you are on your journey, combined with our epigenetic protocol) which ensures happiness is the key factor of your success.

Forcing people to go through a state of lack through difficult diets, mis-guided supplements and exercises that may hinder (and not help) fertility does not help anyone trying to conceive.

Instead we create an Easy Fertility Diet Plan (relevant to our client’s issues, likes and dislikes) to enable people like you to eat what you love and if it’s not healthy we advise easy fertility detoxes the energy harnessing techniques to help your body deal with it.

This helps you and all our clients to feel liberated and empowered on the path to success.

We also have a money back guarantee. (To date, no one has needed to use it).